MC Sher aka Siddhant Chaturvedi Siddhant Chaturvedi recently met South superstar Allu Arjun and had a major fan boy moment. MC Sher could not help but take a selfie with the superstar. An elated Siddhant took to his Instagram handle and shared the picture. Siddhant is all praises for the South super star and called him a lover and a fighter in the caption of the picture. He also mentioned that he is waiting to watch Allu Arjun's upcoming movie Ala Vaikuntapuramlo."
Taking it to his social media handle, he captioned, "Lover also! Fighter also! @alluarjunonline ❤️ #FanMoment 🕺 Can’t wait for his next #AlaVaikunthapuramLo"
Image source: Instagram/ SiddhantChaturvedi