Recently, certain WhatsApp chats accessed by India Today allegedly shows a conversation between Sushant Singh Rajput and his sister Priyanka came to light. The chats were from June 8, and it allegedly showed his sister Priyanka helping Sushant with a prescription of medicines. Yesterday, it was reported that Sushant’s girlfriend Rhea has filed a complaint Priyanka, doctor Tarun Kumar of Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital and others for giving the late actor medicines without consultation. Now, Sushant’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti has reacted to it.
According to a report in Times Of India, following Rhea’s complaint, an FIR has been filed against Priyanka and Dr. Tarun Kumar, by the Mumbai Police. However, Sushant’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti has now hit back and has called this FIR ‘fake’. Shweta tweeted about their family staying strong in spite of all this, and wrote that nothing will break them, especially not this FIR. Shweta Singh Kirti’s tweet read, “Nothing’s gonna break us, definitely not this fake FIR! #SSRFamilyStandsStrong #UnitedForSSRJustice #WholeIndiaIsSSRFamily.”
Take a look:
Nothing’s gonna break us, definitely not this fake FIR! #SSRFamilyStandsStrong #UnitedForSSRJustice #WholeIndiaIsSSRFamily
— shweta singh kirti (@shwetasinghkirt) September 7, 2020
Meanwhile, according to a report in Hindustan Times, Rhea said in her complaint, “It is imperative that actions of Priyanka Singh, Dr Tarun Kumar and others be investigated and that it be determined as to how they came to provide the deceased with such a bogus and unlawful prescription.”
The complaint was reportedly filed by Rhea on the basis of the WhatsApp exchanges between Sushant and his sister, and it said that Sushant was shown to be an OPD patient ay the Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, when he was actually in Mumbai on June 8. ALSO READ: Sushant Singh Rajput Contacted His Lawyer After Ex-Manager Disha Salian’s Death; CBI Probes Possible Link Between The Two Deaths: Reports
Image Source: Instagram/Sushant SIngh Rajput/Shweta SIngh Kirti/ Rhea Chakraborty