Shraddha Kapoor has hit the ground running, as she promotes her first release of 2020, Street Dancer 3D. Dressing up for the promotion and getting a thumbs up from her fans, for her latest outing she opted for an all-white number with black strappy heels. And OOPs! She got caught by fashion critic Diet Sabya once again. Sporting a white button-down dress with ruffled hemline, high collared neckline, bishop sleeves and pearl buttons, though she looked pretty, her outfit was a 'gandi copy' according to Diet Sabya.
The Street Dancer 3D actress and her stylist Tanya Ghavri was questioned for picking a copy instead of the original creation for Shraddha. Taking a notch higher, unlike every time where the Instagram account had only shared collages of the copy cats, this time it had lyrics played in the background possibly of a song which had a lot of rage. The Instagram account captioned this post as, “@tanghavri what was the reason? @shraddhakapoor in a #Gandi @zimmermann copy by @lovexlabels . #dietsabya #copy #lol #” ALSO READ:
Janhvi Kapoor Called Out By Diet Sabya Again; Original Designer Confirms Actress Wore A 'Gandi Copy'Seems like its time for Shraddha to change her stylist, what do you guys have to say?
Image Source: Instagram/shraddhakapoor