Amid lockdown, the use of social media has been at an all-time high, and several celebrities have been sharing videos of them exploring their hobbies, doing household chores and much more. Shibani Dandekar also tried her hand at cooking pasta while Farhan Akhtar filmed the video. People loved watching Farhan and Shibani’s banter, but many trolled her for being disrespectful towards her maid Sunita. Now, in a recent interview, Shibani reacted to it and said that the platform is not for people to be vile and nasty.
It so happened, that in the video, Shibani asks her house help Sunita if she boiled the pasta with salt in it, to which she says no. Letting her disappointment be known, Shibani said, “Sunita, oh my God, I tell you. Now we’ll have to improvise.” However, Shibani called it wasn’t like that, and it was just a joke. According to Hindustan Times, she said, “Humour is a huge part of the way I operate; if people can’t understand a joke then they should not follow me. I know where I’m coming from and the kind of relationship I’ve with the people I work with and they also understand.”
About the trolls, Shibani said that she doesn’t care about what they say, but feels sometimes it is important to put some people in place. “It isn’t a place for you to be judged and criticised by others. This isn’t a platform for you to be nasty and vile. If you’re going to be that way, you’ll be blocked,” she said.
Shibani Dandekar also aired her views about people posting workout and cooking videos, and said that this isn’t the time to be judgmental. “If you don’t want to see it, don’t look at it. But you can’t tell somebody how to live,” she said.
Image Source: Instagram/shibanidandekar