Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan had a rough time after his son Aryan Khan was arrested in drugs on cruise case by NCB in October 2021. After the superstar’s son was granted bail on October 28, 2021, the family has become extremely protective of him. Aryan has been stressed even after his release from prison and hence, daddy SRK is making sure to do the best for him. As the actor plans to resume work from the last week of November, he has been worried about Aryan’s safety.
The Chak De actor was looking for a bodyguard to be with his son. As reported in, the actor has decided instead of a new bodyguard, the actor’s bodyguard Ravi Singh will be safeguarding Aryan. Followed by SRK assigning a new bodyguard for himself. The portal informs, “Aryan is not someone to get very comfortable in a new person’s company but he has known Ravi Singh for years now and shares a good rapport with him.”
The report further added, “He is supposed to visit the NCB office every Friday and with the new team investigating the case, there may be the frequent summons and in such a case, Shah Rukh feels it is best to have someone known and trusted along with Aryan. So that he can be at peace when he is away from home for shoots.”
Image Source: Instagram/iamsrk