Latest update on their health is that Satish Kaushik has tested negative for Coronavirus and returned home. However, his daughter Vanshika is still in the hospital recuperating. The senior actor shared a picture on his Instagram account today that sees him and daughter dressed in hospital clothes looking outside the window. In the caption he wrote, " Father-Daughter hoping for COVID free world ..Thanks is a very small word to say but has big gratitude & emotions and compassion when u say it to ur dearest friends who stand by you in hard times."
Satish Kaushik then tagged his doctors and celebrity friends like Anil Kapoor, Anupam Kher, Shabana Azmi, Rumi Jaffery and others for all the love and well-wishes. In the end he wrote, "Friends & Well Wishers I m recovering at home and Vanshika is feeling better today morning by wishes of god & u all .. THANKS."
We wish both of them speedy recovery. Satish Kaushik has appeared in many hit films and will be next seen in Sharmaji Namkeen.
Image Source: Instagram/satishkaushik2178