Known as ‘The Greatest Showman’ in the history of Indian Cinema, late legendary filmmaker Raj Kapoor won many hearts with his films. With a huge contribution to Indian cinema with films like Mera Naam Joker, Awaara, Shree 420, Sangam, Barsaat, Neel Kamal, and many more, Raj Kapoor did not only receive acclaim for his filmmaking but also won hearts for his stellar performances. Today, as it is the 95th Birth anniversary of Raj Kapoor, Rishi Kapoor took to his social media to share a heartfelt post for his father. On Raj Kapoor’s 95th birth anniversary, Rishi Kapoor talks about how the Kapoor family will always remember him.
Rishi Kapoor took to his Twitter to pen down a heartfelt post for his beloved late father on his Birth anniversary. Rishi Kapoor tweeted, “Happy Birthday dad! We shall always remember!” The Body actor shared the tweet with a picture of Raj Kapoor from a scene in the 1970 film ‘Mera Naam Joker’. Rishi Kapoor’s birthday post for Raj Kapoor also read the lyrics from the iconic classic song ‘Jaane Kahan Gaye Woh Din’ sung by Mukesh, featuring Raj Kapoor in the film ‘Mera Naam Joker’. As Rishi Kapoor does not miss any chance to prove the love he has for his late father, the actor’s post is pure gold. Also Read:
Rishi Kapoor Gets Injured On The Sets Of The Body While Filming The Climax Scene Apart from Rishi Kapoor, Dharmendra also wished the filmmaker on Twitter. In his tweet, Dharmendra wrote, “Beloved Raj Kapoor sahab, have a wonderful birthday in heaven. You will always be remembered,” sharing a monochrome picture of Raj Kapoor and him engrossed in a conversation.
Meanwhile, over the years, Raj Kapoor won many awards and accolades for his contribution to Indian cinema.
The Government of India also honored Raj Kapoor with the Padma Bhushan in 1971 for his contribution to arts and also bestowed with India's highest award in cinema, the Dadasaheb Phalke Award, in 1987.
Image source: Instagram/ Neetu Singh, Twitter, Rishi Kapoor