Film producer Ramesh Taurani, known for producing films such as Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani, Ishq Vishk, Raaz, Race 2, among others, is one of the most respected producers in Bollywood. He has filed a police complaint against fraudsters who are taking money on his name. Several aspiring actors had reportedly been getting calls to audition for a music video under Ramesh Taurani’s banner, TIPS. Now, in an interview with a news agency, Ramesh Taurani has clarified that his name is being misused, and that he never calls random people for video shoot.
Ramesh Taurani told IANS that it was absolutely disgusting that someone was misusing his name for their personal benefit. “First of all, I never call random people for video shoot. If it is a serious business, then we have a team to look into the matter of casting or any required professionals. Secondly, we never announced any video shoot and I have no knowledge about it, which is why I had to lodge a complaint against the person or group of people misusing my name," he said.
According to IANS, Ramesh Taurani has filed the complaint at Khar police station on February 17. Ramesh Taurani also added that such cheaters who take money from innocent souls should be behind bars, and asked the authorities to take necessary action against them.
Ramesh Taurani also issued a fraud alert on the Instagram page of TIPS. The post read, “Please note, the person using this mobile number, has been addressing himself as Mr. Ramesh Taurani and taking fraudulent favors. Requesting all to kindly avoid any conversations and transactions, with the above mentioned number.-@rameshtaurani.”
Image Source: Instagram/rameshtaurani/tips