Following many stars who jetted off to the Maldives after a long lockdown imposed with the outbreak of COVID-19, actress Rakul Preet Singh has also joined the bandwagon. The actress shared some sizzling hot pictures of her from her exotic getaway, soaking in the sun and getting all filmy with her captions to the pictures shared by her on her Instagram account. One of her captions reminded us of the most popular number of Honey Singh from the movie, Yaariyan, titled Sunny Sunny.
Posing on a comfy swing, she wrote in her Instagram caption, “Aaj blue hai paani aur din bhi sunny #vacayvibes #beautyofjustbeing” Now this happens to be one of the lines from Honey Singh's song from Yaariyan. The actress looks pretty in a pyjama with a bikini top in the shades of blue, white and beige. Giving one more sneak peek into her holiday she shared a ravishingly hot picture of her, in a bright orange bikini.
She shared in her caption about smiles being the most contagious thing and mentioned that the picture posted by her was clicked by her father. Her caption read, “Smiles are contagious, be a carrier moments captured by daddy the great” Take a look at Rakul’s Instagram posts below-
About her
next venture, she said, “When I decided to be an actor like all the other aspiring actors I had a dream to work with Mr. Bachchan and I am so glad that with this film my dream to share screen space with him will come true.”
Image Source: Instagram/rakulpreet