Rakul Preet Singh, one of the most sought-after actresses in Indian cinema today, has established herself as a pan-India star, winning hearts with her versatility and charm. After making her mark in South Indian cinema, she debuted in Bollywood with Yaariyan (2014), a film that became a hit. Today, as Yaariyan celebrates 11 years since its release, Rakul took to her Instagram story to share a heartfelt, nostalgic post reminiscing about her Bollywood debut and celebrating the success of a blockbuster film.
Yaariyan was directed by Divya Khosla Kumar, and also starred Himansh Kohli, Evelyn Sharma, Rakul Preet Singh, Nicole Faria, Dev Sharma, and Serah Singh. The coming-of-age film explored friendship, love, and college life. It was praised for its youthful appeal, vibrant music, and relatable themes.
Rakul's Bollywood journey has been remarkable since her debut in Yaariyan. She has starred in major films alongside leading stars, and she has an impressive lineup of upcoming projects and big releases.
Rakul is set to star in the much-awaited sequel De De Pyaar De 2, where she will reprise her role opposite Ajay Devgn, with R. Madhavan reportedly playing her father. Additionally, Rakul will be seen in Mere Husband Ki Biwi alongside Arjun Kapoor, and in Ameeri, sharing the screen with the talented Neena Gupta.