Filmmaker Priyadarshan has opened up on the allegations of abandoning Akshay Kumar and Suniel Shetty's comedy-drama Hera Pheri midway. Producer Firoz Nadiadwala had accused the director of leaving the 2000 film and said he should not be credited for the cult comedy as he left the project midway. He also claimed that Priyadarshan tried to wreak havoc on the plans to make a sequel of the film by convincing the actors to say no to its sequel. However, now in a recent interview with Hindustan Times, Priyadarshan has denied all such allegations.
The filmmaker ruled out that he would not have survived in the film industry for so long if he had such problematic behavior. “I’ve nothing against anyone. The so-called incident happened 20 years back. Why are you talking about it now? And why should I say that I didn’t do this, or do that. I did that movie and went on to do many more films. I’m sitting on the 95th film of my career. If I had such behaviour, I wouldn’t have been in the industry,” he was quoted as saying.
When asked whether he convinced actors to not do the sequel, Priyadarshan mentioned that if he would have done that, then how the makers could make part two with the same actors. The 64-year-old filmmaker stated, “And I’ve also worked with these actors after that movie. How can that be possible? I’m a small south Indian filmmaker, I don’t have any influence in Bollywood.”
Priyadarshan also spoke about the claims of making a depressing version and mentioned that Hera Pheri was "made frame by frame" and that it was a remake of super hit Malayalam film 'Ramji Rao Speaking.'
Priyadarshan also revealed that he didn’t do the follow-up of the hit film sequel, Phir Hera Pheri as he knew that he “won’t be able to do justice."
Meanwhile, Priyadarshan’s latest release Hungama 2, which features Shilpa Shetty Kundra and Meezaan Jafri, Pranitha Subhash and Paresh Rawal received mixed responses from the audience and the critics.
Image source: YouTube/ shermaroo comedy