Now, a latest report in Mumbai Mirror suggests that Prernaa's bail application was rejected by the Session's Court after finding shocking evidences in the chargesheet. Here's what the report reads:
"Turns Prerna had indeed taken huge amounts from film financers for her own personal expenses. Records suggest she bought a bungalow in Khandala worth Rs 8 crore, went on a shopping spree worth Rs 3.40 crore including Rs 88 lakhs on Jimmy Choo shoes, purses and bags, Rs 1.28 crore on Burberry shoes and clothes among other expenses. She in fact is said to be still owing to stores for about Rs 29.40 crore. The stores have sent notices to her.
According to the chargesheet, Prernaa bought everything of similar sizes which proves she bought it for herself. The 1, 176 page documentary also mentions about her fake identity with multiple passports and documents with different birthdates - 1979, 1983, 1986."
Image Source:sarita