Kareena Kapoor Khan is on cloud nine after she announced the launch of her book on pregnancy, Kareena Kapoor Khan’s pregnancy bible. Today one of her fan clubs on Instagram gave a glimpse of her younger son, Jeh Ali Khan. The second time mommy had previously teased her followers with a snippet of her son; today her fan club dropped an adorable picture of him. Planting a kiss on her son’s forehead, she got our hearts melting with love. In the caption, the fan club urged people to pre-order her book.
Their Instagram caption read, “Jeh Ali Khan Pre-Order " KAREENA KAPOOR KHAN’S PREGNANCY BIBLE" Link in my Bio” One can see Jeh fast asleep dressed in a cute white t-shirt and shorts, Bebo looks radiant in a grey and pink number, probably wearing a kaftaan as she leans on him to kiss him. Along with this, she dedicated it to the men in her life, her husband Saif Ali Khan and sons- Taimur Ali Khan and Jeh Ali Khan.
“To the most handsome men in my life, my strength, my world- Saifu, Taimur and Jeh,” read a message penned by the actress in this post.
Image Source: Instagram/kareenakapoorkhan