Priyanka Chopra married American singer Nick Jonas in India on December 1 and 2 in 2018. The international couple had three-day wedding festivities at Jodhpur's Umaid Bhawan Palace, where they exchanged wedding vows as per both Christian and Hindu rituals in two separate ceremonies. Actress Parineeti Chopra feels Priyanka’s husband and American pop-singer Nick Jonas, was well prepared for his Indian wedding ceremony with her sister and actress Priyanka.
Now, Parineeti revealed that she got lots of money "in dollars and rupees" as well as diamond rings in the 'joota chhupai' ceremony. For those who don’t know, ‘Joota chhupai' is a tradition wherein the sister-in-law hides the shoes of the groom and then asks for money or gift in return.
On Neha Dhupia’s chat show BFFs with Vogue - Season 3, Parineeti opened up about the wedding. She appeared along with Sania Mirza. During the signature BFFs game round ‘Say It Or Strip It', Pari revealed how much she got for hiding Nick's shoes for the 'joota chupai'. She quipped, “I got a lot of money, I got dollars and rupees, in lakhs and we also got diamond rings. We also got bags, we got a lot of stuff. He was very generous.”
"He was actually more prepared than all of us. So I thought I was the smart one and I was going to go and do this 'rasam' (ceremony) and take only cash from him. They were more than ready because when the time came, he literally just signalled to someone and all of us cousins looked at the back, and there was this guy with a giant tray full of diamond rings and all of us got diamond rings and the bridesmaids got a lot of gifts. So I am proud to show off that Nick jiju is very generous,” she added.
When host and actress Neha Dhupia asked Parineeti about some 'bridezilla' moments from the wedding, she said, "We honestly thought of it before the wedding happened but actually not at all. She (Priyanka) was just so happy and in fact she was so excited like she was that bride who, when the baraat came she wanted to get ready early so that she can run and see the baraat in a filmy style. She was really happy. So no, bridezilla moment, not at all."
During the ‘Platter Of Punishment' game round, Neha asked Parineeti to choose between Nick as a singer or a brother-in-law, she picked him as a brother-in-law. She said, "Nick Jonas, the brother-in-law. He is the best, I love him."
Opening up about the bachelorette party in Amsterdam, the actress said, "I just want to say Sophie (Turner) has all the videos and she has still not sent them to me and I am glad because if somebody looks at my phone..." Then Neha intervened and said, "Basically what happens in Amsterdam stays in Amsterdam." Parineeti concurred, and said, "I think we did Amsterdam the way Amsterdam should have been done. I am just going to leave it at it."
Image Source: instagram/priyankachopra, instagram/parineetichopra