Bollywood’s undisputed queen Kangana Ranaut is known to voice her opinions on social media. Apart from giving glimpses of her personal and professional life, she often indulges in Twitter spat with celebrities. Not to forget, a few years ago, she got into a war of words with singer-actor Diljit Dosanjh. The Tanu Weds Manu actress in her latest Tweet took a jibe at Diljit by tagging him in a cheeky post.
The actress re-shared a tweet from the food delivery app Swiggy, tagging the Punjabi singer. The original tweet featured pictures of pulses with the caption ‘pulse aa gayi’, a play at ‘police aa gayi’ being said with a Punjabi twang. Surprisingly, Kangana tagged Diljit in the post and added the hashtag ‘Just saying’. It would be interesting to see how the actor will react to Ranaut’s cheeky jibe. Soon after she shared the tweet, netizens started cracking hilarious jokes on the actress. One user commented “Bhai phir kalesh karegi kya.” Another said, “Kya zarurat hai wapis se (why the need to do this again)? Ignore them.” ALSO READ: Kangana Ranaut Takes A Dig At Diljit Dosanjh For Enjoying Winters In A Foreign Country; Says: ‘Isko Kehte Hain Local Kranti’
In 2020, Kangana and Diljit’s fight on Twitter started when the actress shared false information about an elderly Sikh woman, who was a participant of the Farmers' Protest. In her tweet, she said that the elderly woman was protesting to earn a sum of Rs 100. The actress also claimed that the same woman was Shaheen Bagh Dadi, Bilkis Bano. Her tweet angered many celebrities including Diljit Dosanjh, who supported the farmers' protest. The singer corrected Kangana and this led to a major Twitter spat between the two. Dosanjh tweeted a video of the elderly Sikh woman and wrote, “Respected Mahinder Kaur Ji. Ah Sunn La Ni With Proof @KanganaTeam. Banda Ena V Ni Anna Hona Chaida..Kush v Boli Turi jandi aa.”
Their heated exchange of tweets made many headlines and became the biggest Twitter fight of 2020.