Just a few mins back, 66th National Film Awards 2019 were announced at Shastri Bhawan in New Delhi. Right from Badhaai Ho to Andhadhun to Vicky Kaushal starrer Uri: The Surgical Strike, the films won big at the prestigious event. As Uri director Aditya Dhar won Best Director at 66th National Film Awards 2019, he has Thanked India for his win.
His statement read:
“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”
15 years of failures, rejections and hard work has lead to this moment and it just can’t get better than this.
Thank you India, thank you Ministry of Information & Broadcasting and all the Jury members of National Award committee for considering me worthy enough for this prestigious award. This is an honour I am going to cherish for the rest of my life.
Being conferred with the National Award has been a dream since the time I understood what films meant to me, and films truly mean the world to me.
Thanks to my family and friends for their unconditional support over the years. The way my parents and my brother stood by me through all the struggle is what helped me realise my dream so beautifully.
Thank you Ronnie Screwvala and my entire team of URI for giving it all and making URI what it is. This film wouldn’t have been possible without the mad obsession of each one of you to create something extraordinary for our audience.
But most importantly I am dedicating this award to each and every brave soldier of our country and their families.
Thank you for all your sacrifices.
You have selflessly dedicated your life to serve us and now it’s our time to dedicate everything we have to serve you.
Jai Hindi!!
Images Source: instagram/adityadharfilms