Nana Patekar recently addressed the rumours surrounding a viral video that shows him slapping a boy attempting to take a selfie with him on the film set. The footage caused a stir online, with many criticizing the veteran actor for his perceived behaviour toward his fans. Nana has now spoken up about the incident, attributing it to a mistake.
In a video message shared on social media, The Vaccine War star clarified the perplexing incident, stating, "A video is circulating where I'm seen hitting a boy. While this sequence is part of our film, we had one rehearsal... We were scheduled for a second rehearsal. The director instructed me to start. We were about to commence when the boy from the video appeared." He went on to add that he thought the boy, who came in the frame, was a crew member and he continued on with the scene.
According to reports, filmmaker Anil Sharma also clarified that Nana didn't hit any of his fans or mistreated anyone. He further shares calling it a scene from his film. The Gadar 2 director in another interview shared, "We were shooting on the streets of Banaras, where a boy was required to approach Nana and be hit on the head as part of the scene." The Welcome star faced some serious bashing on social media over this viral video. Now that the film's director and actor issued a clarification on the matter, netizens seem to have understood the incident from their perspective.
ALSO READ: Nana Patekar SLAPS A Boy For Trying To Take A Selfie With Him During Film Shoot; Leaves Internet Fuming!The video, as reported by the PTI news agency, was captured during the shooting of Journey in Varanasi, featuring Nana Patekar alongside Anil Sharma and Sharma's son, actor Utkarsh Sharma. Lasting for ten seconds, the clip captured Nana dressed in a suit and hat, preparing for a scene when the boy approached him for a selfie. Subsequently, Nana reacted with frustration and delivered a tap on the back of the boy's head.
Image Source: Instagram