Filmmaker Shekhar Kapur has been appointed as the president of one of the best film schools in India, FTII as well as the chairman of the governing council of FTII. The news was broken on the Twitter platform by Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Prakash Javadekar. His tweet also carried a picture of the letter from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting declaring the same. Along with this pleasant announcement, he also gushed about the filmmaker having vast experience in the film world.
Further adding, Mr Kapur's experience adding value to the film school, his tweet read, “Happy to inform that renowned international film personality #ShekharKapur has been appointed as the President of FTII Society & Chairman of Governing Council of FTII. Mr Kapur, who has vast experience, will add more value to the Institute. I am sure everybody will welcome his appointment.” Congratulating the filmmaker Shekhar Kapur on this new role in his career was filmmaker Subhash Ghai.
Subhash Ghai taking to his Twitter account wrote, “hearty congratulations hon minister @PrakashJavdekar for entrusting our esteemed filmmaker @shekharkapur as chairman of the governing council of @FTIIOfficial film n television institute of India. I am sure my friend Shekhar will add a great value with his vast experience. My best”
Image Source: Instagram/shekharkapur