Kareena Kapoor Khan has finally given us the glimpse of her second born. While she didn't restrain herself from pictures of Taimur Ali Khan going viral on social media right after his birth, she kept her second son away from the cameras. She teased her fans by sharing pictures of her newborn by hiding his face, but finally she has dropped a picture giving a full glimpse of the little one. On Mother's Day 2021, Kareena Kapoor Khan shared a picture that sees Taimur Ali Khan adorably cradling his younger brother. While sharing the post, Kareena has spoken about hope.
In the caption, Kareen wrote, आज उम्मीद पे पूरी दुनिया कायम है, And these two give me hope... for a better tomorrow. Happy Mother’s Day to all you beautiful, strong mothers out there... Keep the faith..'. It is adorable beyond words. Take a look at it here:
Though Bebo has revealed the picture of her baby boy, she hasn't revealed the name yet. A big controversy had followed after they named their first born Taimur and thus they are being secretive about the details of their second born. Earlier a source had revealed to Subhash K Jha for SpotboyE, "You won’t see Taimur’s sibling in public. In fact when he’s a little older he won’t be exposed the public glare the way Taimur was. I think Kareena and Saif have learnt their lesson. The more you give into media hunger for you children’s pictures the more they haunt you. So yeah, Baby No 2 won’t be seen playing/painting/whatever."
Image source: Instagram/kareenakapoorkhan