There is no doubt that actor Shahid Kapoor’s wife Mira Rajput is a hands-on mommy to their cute kids, daughter Misha and son Zain Kapoor. Known to share some of their kids' crazy antics on social media, she makes us believe irrespective of who we are in the societal status parenthood is almost the same for every couple in the world. Her latest Insta Stories is a moment every mother would have experienced thanks to toddlers in their house.
In her latest Insta Stories, she narrated how her little one just kept knocking on the bathroom door while she was inside, just to reveal when the door opened that there was nothing important, but it was just to bug her. She further asked how her followers would react to this notorious behaviour of their little one. Her options included melting or opting for a coffee. Her INSTA Stories read, “NON STOP BANGING ON THE BATHROOM DOOR "MUMMA OPEN THE DOOT" LIKE THE WORLD IS GOING TO END WHEN YOU OPEN IT YOU SEE A CHEESY SMART SMILE THAT SAYS "HAHA I'M BUGGING YOU" WHAT WILL YOU DO? MELT OR DOWN A (COFFEE)”
We wonder who is the one between Misha and Zain, who compelled Mira to open the bathroom door? Here are Mira’s INSTA Stories below-
Image Source: Instagram/mira.kapoor