Bollywood actress Malaika Arora has been making waves on social media. Over the years, she has garnered a huge fan following due to her dance performances and fashion statements. Being one of the most talked about actresses on the internet, she often makes the headlines as her old interviews tend to go viral. Recently, a netizen took to Reddit to post an old video of her interaction with Sajid Khan that has gone viral where he says she is older than her ex-husband Arbaaz Khan by 2 years.
Posted on the subreddit Bolly Blinds N Gossip, in the video, Sajid asks her how it feels to be the older woman in her relationship, to which she says good. For the unversed, if Malaika’s age is searched on Google it shows that she is 49-years-old. While, Arbaaz is currently 55-years-old, if the claims in the video are to be true, her real age would be 57-years-old. Well, it is safe to say that the diva confirming she is older than her ex-husband has sent the internet in a tizzy.
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Malaika has been making the headlines these days for her lovey dovey posts with boyfriend Arjun Kapoor. The couple officially announced their relationship in 2019 after she got separated from her husband of 18 years Arbaaz Khan in 2017.On the work front, she was last seen in her reality show Moving In With Malaika, that streamed on Disney+ Hotstar and saw many Bollywood celebrities coming under the same roof to have a chat with the actress.
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