Even though Kareena Kapoor is not on social media, every update of hers makes it to the internet. Meanwhile, Aamir Khan keeps sharing stuff on his own handle. But when it comes to their upcoming film Laal Singh Chaddha, they are trying their best to not leak the pictures. However, somehow, fans get hold of it. Kareena and Aamir who are back to shooting for the next schedule of their movie in Himachal Pradesh were clicked by their fans. While Bebo looked demure in a salwar suit, Aamir was unrecognizable in a completely unusual look for the movie.
Aamir’s fan club posted pictures of him posing with his fans and he was also honoured by residents of Himachal Pradesh by presenting a token of appreciation. The actor is seen sporting a green round cap with some flowers on it. Also, Bebo is seen in peach gold salwar suit with heavy jewellery such as matha pati, neck piece and bangles. Adding the traditional touch are those majodis that are completing her look. Meanwhile where perfectionist Khan was seen happily posing for pics, Bebo was seen seated on a chair on the movie location. ALSO READ:
Laal Singh Chaddha: Aamir Khan’s LEAKED On-Set Pics Strike An Uncanny Resemblance To Forrest Gump’s Tom Hanks
Image Source: Instagram/kareena_kapoor_khan/b0llywood.club