Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan's upcoming film Laal Singh Chaddha is one of the most awaited films of this year. Post recovering from Coronavirus, Aamir Khan has resumed shooting for the movie. While Kareena Kapoor Khan has already wrapped up shooting for the film, Aamir Khan still has to shoot few war sequences. A few days ago, Aamir Khan reached Ladakh for the same. Few photos and a video of the actor also went viral on social media.
As per latest reports, Aamir Khan has handpicked a four-member team who also flew down to Ladakh. It has been confirmed by a crew member of the film that he is in Kargil and is scouting for shoot locations with a handpicked four-member team. Once the shoot locations are final, Aamir Khan will shoot for the film in the coming months.
Reportedly, Aamir Khan turned down the idea of creating a set in Mumbai as he feels the war sequences will look grand only when filmed in real locations. Once the locations are confirmed, the shoot will be conducted with minimal crew in the coming months. As many are aware, Laal Singh Chaddha is currently scheduled for a December release. Fans are eagerly looking forward to the film.
For the uninitiated, Laal Singh Chaddha also stars South actor Naga Chaitanya. It is the Hindi adaptation of the American film Forrest Gump that starred Tom Hanks and Robin Wright in the lead. The posters of Laal Singh Chaddha had earlier created a huge buzz on social media.
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