Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan’s elder son Taimur Ali Khan is one of the most popular and cutest star kids of Bollywood. It goes without saying that little Tim is the paparazzi’s favourite as they leave no chance to capture him. However, sometimes, Taimur is not in a mood to pose for them and does not entertain paps. Speaking of this, last month, he got brutally trolled for yelling at photographers as he told them to not click his little brother Jeh’s pictures. Now, Tim’s uncle Kunal Kemmu has reacted to this.
The actor voiced his opinions in support of Taimur and said that kids are not 'diplomatic, if they don't like something, they will probably don’t want it.' Kunal also mentioned that he and his wife Soha Ali Khan too try to keep their little daughter Inaaya away from the paparazzi. When asked if the paps should draw a line on this, the Golmaal Again said, “It's very easy to sit and give comments. What I love about kids is they don't care yeah and they don't have to be diplomatic. If they don't like something, they're like 'I don't want it.”
Last month, Taimur was spotted by shutterbugs outside his building with his mom Kareena Kapoor Khan and brother Jeh. Taimur said, “Bandh kar dada, bandh kar dada. Bandh kariye usko (Turn it off).” Not just that, the little boy also made gestures with his hands, asking paps to turn off their cameras.
Image Source: Instagram