Bollywood’s newest couple Kriti Kharbanda and Pulkit Samrat is all set to bring a laugh riot, Pagalpanti alongside John Abraham, Ileana D'Cruz, Arshad Warsi and Anil Kapoor. As the poster, teaser or trailer have not yet made their way to the Internet, the buzz of the film is very low. But looks like the lead pair- Kriti and Pulkit are leaving no chance to make headlines. Early this year, SpotboyE told you exclusively, the Housefull 4 actress has entered Pulkit Samrat. It all started as they were shooting for their film, Pagalpanti together.
Now after Pulkit Samrat, Kriti Kharbanda too has reacted on her alleged relationship with the actor. While in a conversation with Mumbai Mirror, when Kriti was asked about it, she neither denied nor accepted her love for the actor. But she readily accepted that they look good together. She told the leading tabloid, “It’s a good feeling people think so. I think we look great together." She further said, "That’s for people to find out. I am not saying ‘yes’ and nor am I saying ‘no’."
Earlier when Pulkit was asked about the same, he had told a section of media, "Yami ke saath, Kriti ke saath... I don’t pay too much heed to these kinds of articles. They are part and parcel of the business. My affair is with one person — Varun Sharma. Nobody is writing about it — I’ve done two films with him! My focus is only on work. I would rather be written about for that."
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