Katrina Kaif and Salman Khan will begin filming their ninth film together from March 2021. As per reports in ETimes, after Salman Khan shoots for his special appearance in Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathan, he will begin filming for Tiger 3 with Katrina Kaif from March 2021. The film will mostly hit the floors by the third week of March 2021 and will commence the first schedule in Mumbai. Followed by Katrina and Salman flying off to the Middle East for the second schedule, and the third-fourth schedule will be shot in Mumbai again.
It is also reported that the upcoming installment of the Tiger franchise too is lavish on a budget as compared to the previous parts. Meanwhile, the report states the actress is busy going through the outfits for the movie. A source shared, “It is not pucca that 'Tiger 3' will remain the film's title, but in all probability, it will not be changed. On date, it's a working title.” The second schedule of the film will have the team traveling in several countries for the shoot.
Also when it comes to the villain in Tiger 3, makers Yash Raj Films are looking for a fresh face just like Sajjad Delafrooz was got on board for Tiger Zinda Hai.
Helmed by Ali Abbas Zafar, the director will also be directing Katrina Kaif in another film, where she will be playing a superwoman role. Talking about it, Ali said, “I don't need a man opposite Katrina in my film. And, we will be shooting in Poland, Georgia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Uttarakhand.” Katrina will shoot this flick in June/July 2021. ALSO READ: Salman Khan-Katrina Kaif’s Tiger 3 To Be The Most EXPENSIVE Hindi Film Ever? Latest Reports Suggest So
Image Source: Instagram/katrinakaif.salman_khan/beingsalmankhan