As Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan become parents again, her picture from the delivery room from her first pregnancy has resurfaced on the internet and is going viral. Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan have welcomed a baby boy early this morning. 4-year-old Taimur Ali Khan is an elder brother to a little bonny boy. Just a few minutes back Taimur and his aunt Karisma Kapoor were spotted entering Breach Candy hospital.
The Pataudis are over the moon at the arrival of the chhote nawab. Randhir Kapoor is a granddad again and speaking to a leading daily, he expressed his happiness saying, “"Both Kareena and the baby are doing well. I have not seen my grandson yet but I have spoken to Kareena and she's told me she's alright, and the baby is healthy, too. I am very happy, in fact, over the moon to become a grandfather again. I am eager to see the little one. I am already praying for his well-being."
Meanwhile, an old picture of Kareena from the delivery table from her first pregnancy has surfaced online and is going viral.
Congratulatory messages have been pouring in, Kareena’s cousin Riddhima Kapoor and her dear friend Manish Malhotra wished her well on social media.
Saif Ali Khan has embraced parenthood for the 4th time. Speaking about his children in a recent interview, Saif had told SpotboyE, ““All my children have different places in my heart. If I am hurt with Sara about something, Taimur can’t make me feel better about it. Every time you have a child you divide your heart. And they are all different in age. I feel each of my three children require a different kind of connect.”
Image source: Instagram/kareenakapoorarabic