Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan have become parents again, they welcomed a baby boy early this morning. Reports have it that Kareena Kapoor Khan was admitted to South Mumbai situated Breach Candy Hospital early this morning, around 4:45am. Her second baby, a boy, was delivered via a c-section, as per a report in Times Of India. Kareena’s father Randhir Kapoor can’t stop beaming on becoming a grandfather again.
Speaking to Bombay Times, he said, "Both Kareena and the baby are doing well. I have not seen my grandson yet but I have spoken to Kareena and she's told me she's alright, and the baby is healthy, too. I am very happy, in fact, over the moon to become a grandfather again. I am eager to see the little one. I am already praying for his well-being."
Taimur is now an elder brother and as per the report he is ecstatic to welcome his younger sibling to their new house. “Oh! He's delighted. He is very happy about having a little brother. In fact, even Saif is excited. He is very happy, so is my daughter, and I just bless them all from the core of my heart,” said Taimur’s granddad.
Saif Ali Khan would be taking a paternity break to spend time with his family. Speaking to Elle magazine, Saif had earlier said, “Who wants to work when you have a newborn at home! If you don’t see your children growing up, you’re making a mistake. And I can take time off from work—it’s a privileged position. Rather than follow a 9-to-5 routine, I live like an actor. Your dharma and approach to everything are based on your career."
Image source: SpotboyE archives, Instagram/kareenakapoorkhan
Image source: SpotboyE archives, Instagram/kareenakapoorkhan