After delivering the 1995 blockbuster ‘Karan Arjun’, Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan have teamed up again for a full-fledged film. Yes, you read that right! Both the superstars will be setting the screens on fire with their strong camaraderie in Aditya Chopra's biggest action thriller. As per the latest report in Pinkvilla, SRK and Salman will be reunited for the biggest action movie to be ever made in Indian cinema. Aditya Chopra will be writing the script of this mega project which is likely to go on the floor by end of 2023 or by the first quarter of 2024.
A source close to the development revealed to the portal, “Both SRK and Salman have kept their bulk dates vacant in the tentative period and the exact logistics will be locked once a combined narration takes place later this year. The director is also undecided, however, the entire creative control on the writing front is by the head of YRF - Aditya Chopra. He is keeping everything close to his chest at the moment.” The report added that the narration of this untitled actioner will take place after the first cut of both Tiger 3 and Pathaan are locked. The insider also revealed that the ace filmmaker Aditya is very excited about the project and is closely working on its script, screenplay, and dialogues. The director plans to take things to the next level by "mounting a two-hero action spectacle featuring Tiger and Pathaan." ALSO READ: Shah Rukh Khan And Salman Khan To Reunite For Two-hero Film Written By Aditya Chopra-REPORTS
To note, this actioner will mark Shah Rukh and Salman Khan’s first proper film since the release of Karan Arjun. Both had also worked together in films like 'Kuch Kuch Hota Hai', and 'Hum Tumhare Hain Sanam.'SRK and Salman had also featured in each other’s respective movies in cameo roles. Now, while the Sultan actor is making a cameo in Shah Rukh’s comeback film Pathaan, the Diwale actor plays a special role in Tiger 3.
Needless to say, it will be no less than a treat to watch Shah Rukh and Salman headlining the project together!
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