Till now, the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) was taking a scan at Sushant Singh Rajput's death case and names of Rhea Chakraborty, her brother Showik Chakraborty and others had emerged during the investigation. Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh on Tuesday said the police will probe Kangana Ranaut for allegedly taking drugs. The investigation comes after allegations levelled on the actress when an old interview of Adhyayan Suman, who claimed that he was forced to consume drugs by Kangana went viral on social media. While addressing the media, Anil Deshmukh said Mumbai Police will look into details of this matter.
Reacting to the allegations, Kangana Ranaut took to her Twitter handle and said that she is more than happy to oblige the officials and urged them to take her drug test. That's not it, she even confidently said that if they find any links with drug peddlers, then she would accept the allegations and leave Mumbai forever. "I am more than happy to oblige @MumbaiPolice @AnilDeshmukhNCP please do my drug tests investigate my call records if you find any links to drug peddlers ever I will accept my mistake and leave Mumbai forever, looking forward to meet you," she wrote.
Meanwhile, Kangana is facing problems after she made some controversial statements on Mumbai city, due to which she even had to ask for protection from the Himachal Pradesh government. Speaking of which, the actress has been granted protection and is all set to make her return on September 9.
Image source: Instagram/ kanganaranaut/ SpotboyE archives