Kangana Ranaut and Rajkummar Rao starrer Judgementall Hai Kya hit the theatres, yesterday. While great reviews are pouring in for the film, it’s Kangana’s sister Rangoli Chandel who has taken to Twitter and posted Prakash Kovelamudi’s WhatsApp message. In the screen grabs, the director has written a long appreciation post for the Rangoon actress’ performance in critically acclaimed film. Rangoli posted their WhatsApp conversation citing the reason of “hate” and “prejudice” that her sister in exposed to.
In her Tweet, Rangoli wrote, “I hate to reveal personal conversation like this but the kind of hate and prejudice my younger sister is exposed to is very hard for me to deal with, this is what Parkash sir ( JHK director ) messaged Kangana today.... this is the kind of equation love and respect she shares with people around her, the whole unprofessional and unfriendly bitch narrative spread by a section of the media needs to stop.”
I hate to reveal personal conversation like this but the kind of hate and prejudice my younger sister is exposed to is very hard for me to deal with, this is what Parkash sir ( JHK director ) messaged Kangana today....(contd) pic.twitter.com/1aFzzvUizu
— Rangoli Chandel (@Rangoli_A) July 26, 2019
(Contd)... this is the kind of equation love and respect she shares with people around her, the whole unprofessional and unfriendly bitch narrative spread by a section of the media needs to stop 🙏
— Rangoli Chandel (@Rangoli_A) July 26, 2019
SpotboyE Editor Vickey Lalwani too rated the film with 4 stars and wrote, “This is clearly Kangana Ranaut's best performance till date. Her body language is insanely amazing- the way she walks in several scenes constantly looking behind her shoulder. Her dialogue delivery is flawless- she out-pours just what her character requires. You can make out there's so much of improvisation which she has done beyond what the director demanded. “
“Watch her walking on the streets of London, constantly
looking behind her shoulder. Watch the disbelief on her face when she first
spots Raj having married her cousin. Watch her in the physical struggle she has
with Raj in his flat in the dark. This woman is loaded with talent, there never
were two opinions about that and never will be,” his review read further.
Images Source: desibuzz.com,tamilstar