Only yesterday, Kangana Ranaut took to her social media to share some videos to show her fans and followers on how the BMC officials have forcefully taken over her office Manikarnika Films in Mumbai. The actress mentioned that she has all papers of no illegal construction but the BMC is demolishing her office. After they visited her office for inspection, the BMC officials didn't come with a bulldozer but slammed a notice outside her office, a notice under section 354/ A of Municipal Corporation Act. The notice is to 'stop the work' for some leakage in the office. Taking it to her Twitter handle, she shared a tweet for the same some time back.
Her tweet read, "Because of the criticism that @mybmc received from my friends on social media, they didn’t come with a bulldozer today instead stuck a notice to stop leakage work that is going on in the office, friends I may have risked a lot but I find immense love and support from you all" Earlier when the officials came for inspection, Kangana, in another tweet read, "I have all the papers, BMC permissions nothing has been done illegal in my property, BMC should send a structure plan to show the illegal construction with a notice, today they raided my place and without any notice tomorrow they demolishing entire structure"
Apart from this notice, she also got a legal notice from a former Mumbai Police officer while seeking an apology for her remark against Mumbai Police. Reportedly, the former police officer has asked the actress to justify her comments or to be prepared to pay 'damages' for defamation.
Image source: Instagram/ kanganaranaut/ SpotboyE archives