Kangana Ranaut and Javed Akhtar’s legal battle has taken a new turn. The actress has now submitted an appeal to a Magistrate Court in Mumbai requesting a bailable warrant against the ace lyricist after he failed to appear before a Mumbai court. Meanwhile, the Andheri Magistrate court is currently hearing the complaint lodged by Kangana Ranaut regarding her meeting with the lyricist in 2016.
As per the reports, the courts even summoned Javed Akhtar’s lawyer, Jay Bharadwaj, submitted an exemption application, citing that he has an urgent medical emergency of an extended family member that will prevent him from attending the court on August 5.
Kanagana’s counsel Rizwan Siddiquee applied for a bailable warrant against Javed Akhtar, highlighting a similar instance during the lyricist’s complaint hearing against the actress.
Following the hearing of the arguments from both parties, the court gave its decision to keep Kangana’s plea on hold. This decision has given Javed Akhtar an opportunity to follow the bail procedures on his next hearing.
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