Actor, producer and film critic Kamaal R Khan penned a cryptic post after Malaika Arora posted a loved-up picture with Arjun Kapoor on his birthday. KRK who is known to create controversies with his opinion, in his Tweet called Arjun 'Tiger', saluting him for his courage. While this got the netizens thinking about various things, he quickly penned another Tweet stating that people should not think wrong he was praising the Ishqzaade actor for bagging Ek Villain 2 that earlier had Sidharth Malhotra on board.
His Tweets read, "Bhai Launde #ArjunKapoor Tiger Hai Tu. Gurda Hai Tere Main. Dunke Ki Chot Par Cheen Liya! Salute you! (Brother Arjun Kapoor, you are a tiger. You have courageously snatched it)," and "Dear people, why do you always think wrong? Main Toh #EkVillain2 Ko #SidharthMalhotra Se Cheen Ne Ki Baat Kar Raha Hun! Nothing else!" While he penned these Tweets he also shared the picture posted by Malaika where Arjun was seen holding her in his arm.
Check out his Tweets below-
Currently KRK has landed in a legal tussle with Salman Khan after he criticized his recent release, Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai. Meanwhile, the actor’s legal team has filed a lawsuit against KRK for defaming the actor’s venture, Being Human.
Image Source: Instagram/kamaalrkhan/malaikaaroraofficial