Even several Bollywood celebs like Akshay Kumar, Sonam Kapoor, Anupam Kher, Sunny Leone, Hina Khan, Twinkle Khanna expressed grief over the murder. However, Sonam’s tweet got trolled. The actress had written, “What has happened to baby twinkle is. Heartbreaking and horrific. I pray for her and her family. I also urge people to not make this into a selfish agenda. This is a little girls death, not a reason to spread your hate.” This was enough to send make the Twitterati lose it as he felt she was insensitive on a critical topic.
Even filmmaker Ashoke Pandit slammed the actress as he tweeted, " @sonamakapoor On #Asifa U questioned d values of india by tweeting : “I am Hindustan. I am ashamed. 8 years old gang raped & murdered in 'Devi'-sthaan Temple.”And nw on #TwinkleSharma you tweet saying “I urge Ppl to not make ds into a selfish agenda.” Why this disparity?”
Sonam didn’t take it kindly as she replied, “Because I practice Hinduism and I believe in karma.”
@sonamakapoor On #Asifa U questioned d values of india by tweeting :
— Ashoke Pandit (@ashokepandit) June 7, 2019
“I am Hindustan. I am ashamed. 8 years old gang raped & murdered in 'Devi'-sthaan Temple.”
And nw on #TwinkleSharma you tweet saying
“I urge Ppl to not make ds into a selfish agenda.”
Why this disparity ?
Because I practice Hinduism and I believe in karma.
— Sonam K Ahuja (@sonamakapoor) June 7, 2019
Things escalated further when Pandit replied to Sonam and questioned her about the difference in her reaction between the two cases. He wrote, “I hv nt qstnd ur beliefs bt want to knw why dr’s a diffrnce in Ur reaction btwn #Asifa & #Twinkle.Why ds delayed reaction ?Why no playcards? Why nt tkng names of d accused ?Don’t U think al crimes shld b condemned wth same intensity nd similar language. #JusticeForTwinkleSharma”
Sonam in a very calm manner replied, “I’m sure you have better things to do then troll me . Hope you find peace and love. Thank you for your opinions, this made my day. Ignorance is truly bliss.”
I hv nt qstnd ur beliefs bt want to knw why dr’s a diffrnce in Ur reaction btwn #Asifa & #Twinkle.Why ds delayed reaction ?Why no playcards? Why nt tkng names of d accused ?Don’t U think al crimes shld b condemned wth same intensity nd similar language. #JusticeForTwinkleSharma https://t.co/tXDaMC9E35
— Ashoke Pandit (@ashokepandit) June 7, 2019
I’m sure you have better things to do then troll me ❤️. Hope you find peace and love. Thank you for your opinions, this made my day. Ignorance is truly bliss.
— Sonam K Ahuja (@sonamakapoor) June 7, 2019
Workwise, Sonam will be seen in The Zoya Factor next opposite Dulquer Salmaan. This film is based on Anuja Chauhan's best-selling novel with the same. Directed by Abhishek Sharma, the film is slated to hit theatres this year.
Image Source:-twitter/ashokepandit/sonamakapoor, societymag