Shahid Kapoor is all set to ablaze the silver screen with his upcoming sports drama 'Jersey', which will see the actor in a never-before-seen avatar. The handsome actor will play the role of an ace cricketer in Gowtam Tinnanuri’s directorial, which is a remake of his 2019 Telugu film of the same title. While fans are all excited about the movie, Shahid has unveiled the first poster of the sports drama. He also revealed that the highly-anticipated trailer of Jersey will release tomorrow.
Taking to Instagram handle, Shahid dropped the poster and said he "waited to share this emotion with all for two years." Alongside the poster, the Jab We Met actor wrote, “ITS TIME ! We have waited to share this emotion with you for 2 years. This story is special. This team is special. This character is special. And the fact that we get to share it on the big screen with you all is special. I don’t have words to express my gratitude. I hope you all feel what I felt when I played him. Here we go @mrunalthakur @gowtamnaidu #AlluAravind @amanthegill @alluents @dilrajuprodctns @sitharaentertainments @bratfilmsofficial @jerseythefilm.”
In the poster, Shahid is seen dressed in a white jersey and waving his cricket bat in the stadium. The poster also read that the Jersey trailer will be released on November 23, i.e., tomorrow at 5:30 pm.
Take a look at Shahid Kapoor’s post:
Jersey also stars Mrunal Thakur and Pankaj Kapur in the key roles. Set against the backdrop of India’s favourite sport, cricket, the film chronicles the story of a talented but failed cricketer, who decides to return to the field in his late 30s, driven by the desire to represent the Indian cricket team. He fulfills his son’s wish for a jersey as a gift.
Jersey is slated to hit the theaters on release on 31st December 2021. Also Read:Jersey: Shahid Kapoor Starrer Shoot Postponed Owing To The Actor’s Poor Health
Image source: Instagram/ Shahid Kapoor