Confirming her Bollywood debut Shalini told a section of media, “Being given the opportunity to be signed on as a talent and also being cast under the Yash Raj Films banner is truly any artist’s dream. I’ve been blessed with this huge chance to show my mettle in the Hindi film industry and I’m incredibly thankful for it. I’m also very fortunate to be sharing screen space with Ranveer Singh who is one of the biggest superstars of our generation and also one of the most versatile actors too. I’m thrilled about being paired opposite to him and this inspires me to prepare myself thoroughly to deliver the best.”
(ALSO READ: MC Sher Siddhant Chaturvedi Does Bicep Curls Holding Murad Ranveer Singh, Gully Boys Are On Fire - Watch Video)The producer of Jayeshbhai Jordaar, Maneesh Sharma, who has cast Shalini in the film, speaks highly of this 25-year old actress. “Our script and the vision of the film demanded a fresh face for the leading lady’s part. Shalini’s audition was so spontaneous and nuanced that we knew immediately that she was the right person for the part. She is an assured actor with a refreshing presence, and we have real confidence in backing her talent. She’s really going to catch your attention in Jayeshbhai Jordaar!” says Maneesh.
For those, who don’t know Shalini started her career as a theatre actor in Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh) before working in the Telugu industry. Despite not knowing Telugu fluently, Shalini prepared herself thoroughly to do her own dubbing in Arjun Reddy and was widely appreciated for her performance. She has also worked in the cult classic Mahanati.
Images Source: PR, instagram/ranveersingh