Currently, with the lockdown extended May 3, everyone in the country has been just craving to head out, party and live life a little bit. On the other hand, as Bollywood celebrities, have been trying their best to stay indoors, Janhvi Kapoor has been enjoying her quarantine time with dad Boney Kapoor and sister Khushi Kapoor. As the Dostana 2 actress has been constantly sharing pictures and videos on social media during the lockdown, Janhvi took to her social media to share a video messing with the brains of her fans making them crave for chocolate cake by sharing a mouth-watering video.
Are you craving a lot of chocolate or pastries during the lockdown? Well, Janhvi Kapoor’s Instagram story will make you crave for it more. The actress continues to mess with the brains sharing a happy video as she enjoys some mouth-watering Chocolate cake. Janhvi shared the video captioning it, “Jokes It’s cake time!!!” In the video, Janhvi has a million-dollar smile as she gives fans a sneak-peek of her yummy cake.
The Takht actress teases fans with the video the yummy chocolate video by clearly sharing how she chose to enjoy the chocolate cake rather than going to sleep. While Janhvi was busy enjoying the chocolate cake at late hours, while at home, it clearly looks like the actress does not bother in weighting some extra pounds. Clearly, there’s no doubt Janhvi enjoyed her yummy cake but surely has managed to tease in craving for some right now.
Image source: Instagram/ Janhvi Kapoor