Ever since her debut in Bollywood along with Ishaan Khatter in the film Dhadak, Janhvi Kapoor has been one of the most loved star kids and never fails to amuse her fans. She has a huge following on social media and is appreciated not only for her acting skills but also for her fitness videos that she frequently posts on Instagram. Right from pilates to belly dancing, the actress shares her videos with her fans and is an inspiration for many. Now, a throwback video of Janhvi belly dancing with her Pilates trainer has gone viral and we are in awe of her!
The throwback video, which was originally shared by Janhvi’s Pilates instructor Namrata Purohit, shows the Dhadak star belly dancing to the beats of the famous track Akh Lad Jaave from Aayush Sharma and Warina Hussain’s LoveYaatri. Janhvi can be seen dressed in a lavender coloured crop top and white tights in the video. This throwback video has been shared by various fan clubs of the star kid and it has blown away the Internet! Check out the video here:
Going by Janhvi’s amazing moves, we sure can’t wait for her to post more dance videos! Janhvi Kapoor has just finished shooting for the first schedule of her horror- comedy RoohiAfza. She is currently in Georgia shooting for her upcoming film Kargil Girl. The actress shot for a scene while battling 7 degrees of biting cold in Georgia. Besides these, she has also been roped in for Karan Johar’s multi starrer film Takht and Dostana 2.
Image Source: Instagram/janhvikapoorslays_/janhvikapoor