Ishaan Khatter turns 25 today. The actor who made his Bollywood debut with Dhadak has now become a familiar face in the industry. On his birthday, his sister-in-law Mira Rajput Kapoor has put up the best wish. Shahid Kapoor's wifey took to Instagram to share a few pictures of Ishaan and laud him for his skills. She has put up colourful pictures of Ishaan and wished him a great year ahead.
Mira has captioned one of the pictures as "Happy Happy Birthday Not-so-little-brother. Stay crazy, stay mad and keep clicking the best pictures of me." In another picture that has Ishaan dancing his way around in colourful pants, she has written: "Saying Hello to new year like". Check out her posts below:
Now, we are looking forward to Shahid Kapoor's post for Ishaan. They are half-brothers however the bond they share is amaze! In fact, we even want to see them in a film together. During IFFA, it was Shahid who handed over the Best Debut Actor trophy to Ishaan and they burnt the stage with their awesome performance together on Zingaat. With Shahid and Ishaan being amazing dancer, it will actually be a delight to see them in a dance-based film together. What say?
Ishaan, workwise, has a film called Khali Peeli in his kitty. Even on his birthday, Ishaan is working and has put up a post on Instagram announcing that he is having a 'working birthday'. He will be sharing the screen space with Ananya Panday in this one.
Image Source: Instagram/mira.kapoor