Ibrahim Ali Khan though has made his Instagram debut a long time ago, prefers to keep his presence low key on the social media platform. Today as the family celebrates Soha Ali Khan and Kunal Kemmu’s daughter Inaaya Naumi Kemmu’s 4th birthday, Ibrahim posted an inside picture from his little cousin’s party. The star kid posted a picture on INSTA Stories seated next to his half brother Taimur Ali Khan. The picture had these siblings flaunting a similar tattoo on their forearms.
The picture was reposted by Kareena Kapoor Khan on INSTA Stories. While Ibrahim shared this cute picture with Tim with the caption, “Only person I'd get matching tattoos with” Kareena reposting this picture posted a GIF of 'Big Brother, with a big blue heart. Tim looked cute in a denim shirt paired with a blue pair of denim bottom, Ibrahim too stuck to casual, looking all handsome. As per reports in the media, Inaaya’s unicorn-themed birthday bash is attended by Neha Dhupia along with daughter Mehr.
We have often seen Tim bonding with Ibrahim and Sara Ali Khan on several occasions and this recent picture is worth cherishing. Take a look at Kareena Kapoor Khan’s INSTA Stories below-
Kareena Kapoor also shared a picture of Tim hugging the birthday girl, Inaaya on her INSTA Stories, with a GIF of pink hearts on it.
Image Source: Instagram/kareenakapoorkhan