As the entire nation celebrates the 10-day long Ganeshotsav, Bollywood celebrities too are drenched in the festive spirit. Many have brought Ganpati Bappa to their homes with great pomp and show. Amidst them, there are a few like Neetu Kapoor who walked down memory lane and recalled one of the previous years' celebrations, remembering their loved ones. The veteran actress fondly remembered her husband and the late legendary actor Rishi Kapoor via a throwback picture. Rishi was extremely fond of the festival.
Taking to Instagram stories, Neetu shared a priceless memory of Rishi wherein he is seen holding Lord Ganesha's idol while sitting inside his car. The late actor can be seen smiling while welcoming Ganpati Bappa to his home. Alongside the old photo, the actress wrote, “Celebrating in heaven.”
Take a look at Neetu Kapoor’s post below:
Be it any occasion or festivity, Neetu never forgets to remember her late husband and often pens a heartfelt note expressing her undying love for Rishi.
A few days ago, Neetu Kapoor had celebrated Rishi Kapoor’s 69th birth anniversary - exactly the way he would have wanted. The celebration was attended by Shatrughan Sinha, directors David Dhawan, Rahul Rawail and Randhir Kapoor. She also prepared a special whiskey cake featuring all the things that the late actor loved.
image Source: Instagram/ neetu54