Bollywood slammed Abu Azmi for his comments – Farhan Akhtar, Varun Dhawan, Richa Chadha and singer Shweta Pandit have expressed their views and slammed Abu Azmi. Tweets are coming in rather fast. Check out the first few:
Girls were pawed, groped and abused by revellers in Bengaluru's MG Road and Brigade Road during New Year's Eve celebrations. All this happened despite the 1,500 policemen deployed in the area.
Three years back Abu Azmi made an outrageous comment, "If a woman is caught (in a rape case), then both she and the boy should be punished. In India, there is death penalty for rape, but when there's consensual sex outside marriage, there's no death penalty against women."
To which actor Ayesha Takia Azmi, too slammed her father-in-law. Tweeting from her handle @Ayeshatakia, she said: "If what I am reading about my father-in-law's statements are true then me and Farhan are deeply embarrassed n ashamed. We surely do not share this mindset...its disrespectful to women. if these statements r true then its sad (sic)."
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