Bollywood’s ace filmmaker, actor, singer, lyricist Farhan Akhtar turns a year older today. On this occasion, his sister also a filmmaker, Zoya Akhtar posted an unseen picture of them, as she penned a birthday wish for him. In her birthday wish she mentioned 2022 being the best year of his life. Her caption, “Listen To Me, This Is Going To Be The Best Year Of Your Life.” Reacting to this, was his girlfriend Shibani Dandekar, she commented, “IT IS! Go get em F!”
Shibani and Farhan after they made their relationship official are often seen commenting on each other’s social media posts and this one is an example of it. Besides her, Hrithik Roshan, Ankur Tewari, Shweta Bachchan, Homi Adajania, Sonali Bendra, Anaita Shroff Adajania and more were too seen commenting on it. Hrithik commented, “It is it is it is!!” Anaita wrote, “Happy birthday Farhan!,” but the funniest one came from her husband, Homi, he commented, “Listen to me, that’s my headband and you’re not to touch it again. Happy birthday @faroutakhtar love you man”
Take a look at Zoya Akhtar’s post below-
There are speculations that Farhan and Shibani will be tying the knot in March 2022 in Mumbai. As reported in, “Farhan and Shibani were planning a lavish wedding in Mumbai on March 2022. However, now they will keep it low-key as the COVID cases have been rising once again and there are many Bollywood celebs, too, who have been tested COVID positive. And so the couple has decided to get married among friends and family.” ALSO READ: Wedding Bells For Farhan Akhtar And Shibani Dandekar In March 2022? Here's What We Know
The report further added, “Farhan and Shibani are living together and they don’t want to delay their wedding amid the pandemic, and so, they thought to keep it an intimate affair.” ALSO READ: Shibani Dandekar Posts A Cosy Picture With Farhan Akhtar; Calls Her Beau ‘Everything’- See Pic
Image Source: Instagram/faroutakhtar/zoieakhtar