After debuting in Bollywood with the movie, Koi Mere Dil Se Poochhe, Esha Deol took a sabbatical from the movies, post her marriage and kids in 2012. Now again springing back in action! The mother of two gorgeous daughters, the actress produced and also starred in a movie, titled, Ek Duaa that premiered on the OTT platform. In an interview with Etimes, she was quizzed about her opinion on digital space, fitness and more. She was also asked if, in current times, the actress is supposed to make a debut, what kind of film will she chose.
Responding to this she said, “If I were to debut in today’s time, I would definitely choose an action film. That is something I would like to try.” Well, we hope directors who have aced the action film genre are listening to the actress. Speaking about the boom in the OTT content, she mentioned there is a plethora of work in this space, one can choose from. She recalled the time when her mother, ace actress Hema Malini too did some amazing work in this space.
She was quoted saying, “The OTT platform is booming and there is a wide variety of content to choose from. You can choose the kind of work you want to do. It has brought in a new era altogether for actors. I think there has been some great work out there; performances are being displayed. As far as female-oriented films are concerned, even my mother has done some great female-oriented films back then. So now, I think the OTT has much more variety and that’s great.”
Image Source: Instagram/imeshadeol