Emraan Hashmi is gearing up for the release of his upcoming film 'Chehre', which also stars megastar Amitabh Bachchan. Though he is now getting to do more challenging roles, Emraan was initially tagged as ‘serial kisser’ as did films revolving around that image. However, in a recent interview, Emraan opened up about this and how it impacted his career and “overpowered everything.” The actor also revealed that he had given this tag to himself as a joke but then he was forced to do movies close to this image only.
While speaking with Bollywood Bubble, Hashmi stated, “For the first 10 years of my career, I was doing these films and I, unfortunately, have done it to myself. This tag was given to me by myself as a joke, and then it blew up, the media started talking about it, and that superseded everything — there could be an article, there could be a film critic review… That overpowered everything, it became a priority.”
“And you had a country that was obsessive about this; sexuality and portraying it on screen. Back then, when I started in 2003, it was this ‘aha’ moment to see a guy who’s kissing all his heroines. That became a talking point,” he added.
Talking about how the tag restricted an actor in him, Emraan Hashmi asserted that with time he got really sick of his ‘serial kisser’ image and that he was not getting any creative fulfillment. Although his movies were doing well at the Box Office, Emraan felt that an actor in him wants to do more.
“I am maturing as an actor, but I am forced to choose these scripts because this is what’s working, and in our industry, we want Xerox copies of everything. But I’m not getting any creative fulfillment,” Emraan Hashmi concluded.
Meanwhile, also starring Rhea Chakraborty, Annu Kapoor and Krystle D’Souza, Chehre will be released in theatres on August 27.
Image Source: Instagram/ therealemraan/