A source quoted Pinkvilla that no star has been approached as yet for Dostana 2 as the director Collin D’Cunha is busy fine tuning the script. The source said, "Producer Karan and director Collin haven’t reached out to any actor as yet for Dostana 2. In fact, some are even saying that Varun Dhawan has been approached for the same, but there’s no truth to that. They might reach out to some of these actors later but for now Collin is focusing on fine tuning the script. They will look at casting in some time."
Some reports have also emerged that Karan Johar is considering Abhishek Bachchan and John Abraham, the original cast of Dostana, for its sequel. However, there has been no official confirmation on anything as yet.
— Dharma Productions (@DharmaMovies) April 16, 2021
While announcing Kartik Aaryan's exit from Dostana 2, Dharma Productions shared a statement that read, "Due to professional circumstances, on which we have decided to maintain a dignified silence – we will be recasting Dostana 2, directed by Collin D’Cunha. Please wait for the official announcement soon." We are waiting to know about the final cast of Dostana 2.
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