Legendary actor Dilip Kumar passed away at early hours on Wednesday. He was 98. Ahead of his State funeral, Dilip Kumar’s friends and family gather at his residence to pay their final respects. The final journey of the National Hero has begun. The police have arrived at the actor’s residence. His wife, Saira Banu looks devastated going by the pictures reported by ANI. The veteran actor’s funeral will take place with State Honours at the Juhu Kabrastan at 5 PM.
The tweet on Twitter read: "Veteran actor Dilip Kumar's family, friends gather at his residence ahead of his State funeral, which will be held today at 5 pm in Santacruz, Mumbai. The actor passed away this morning at the age of 98."
Take a look at the tweet below:
Mourning Dilip Kumar’s demise, Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a tweet and paid tribute. Actors Akshay Kumar, Salman Khan, Ajay Devgn, Dharmendra, Alia Bhatt, Kareena Kapoor Khan and several others made posts on their respective social media handles, paying tribute. Shah Rukh Khan, who shared a close bond with Dilip Saab visited the legendary actor’s residence. In pictures shared in the public domain, SRK is seen consoling Dilip Saab’s wife Saira Banu. Dharmendra also visited the late legendary actor’s residence. Maharashtra Chief Minister, honourable Uddhav Thackeray also visited the late actor's residence to pay his final respects. Also Read:
Dilip Kumar Passes Away: Police Officers Arrive To Give State Honour To Late Legendary Actor; Netizens Say ‘He Truly Deserves It’
Dilip Kumar was one of the greatest actors in Indian Cinema. He was loved for his stellar performance and charm. The actor is best known for his iconic films like Mughal-e-Azam, Devdas, Kranti, Ganga Jamuna and others. He is survived by his wife, Saira Banu.
Image source: Instagram/ ; SpotboyE Archives