Kangana Ranaut and sister, Rangoli Chandel are making news for taking on and slamming Bollywood actors. When Ekta Kapoor’s Judegmentall Hai Kya trailer was dropped online, Kangana Ranaut’s sister, Rangoli Chandel had called out Taapsee Pannu and Varun Dhawan for only praising the trailer in general, and not mentioning her sister's name in particular. Now, the Judwaa 2 actress has taken a sly dig at Rangoli in her recent tweet to Varun Dhawan.
Yesterday, when the teaser of Saand Ki Aankh was dropped online, Varun Dhawan praised the teaser without mentioning the lead actresses’, Taapsee Pannu and Bhumi Pednekar's names in his tweet. When he wrote, “Proud of you Tushar. Bringing real Indian heroes on the big screen. Best dadis”, the Pink actress sarcastically replied to him and said, “Arre Varun but u have not written our names y no appreciation for us??? Why why why?”
Proud of you Tushar. Bringing real Indian heroes on the big screen. Best dadis https://t.co/lbYvUavMhv
— Varun Dhawan (@Varun_dvn) July 11, 2019
Arre Varun but u have not written our names 🧐 y no appreciation for us ??? Why why why?
— taapsee pannu (@taapsee) July 11, 2019
Remember, when Taapsee had praised Rajkummar Rao and Kangana’s Judgementall Hai Kya trailer, she was pulled up by Rangoli for not mentioning Kangana’s name in her tweet and Rangoli had resorted to calling her a ‘sasti copy’?
Kuch log Kangana ko copy kar ke he apni dukaan chalate hain, magar pls note, they never acknowledge her not even a mention of her name in praising the trailer, last I heard Taapsee ji said Kangana needs a double filter and Tapsee ji you need to stop being a sasti copy 🙏 https://t.co/5eRioUxPic
— Rangoli Chandel (@Rangoli_A) July 3, 2019
Rangoli had taken to her Twitter and written, "Kuch log
Kangana ko copy kar ke he apni dukaan chalate hain, magar pls note, they never
acknowledge her not even a mention of her name in praising the trailer, last I
heard Taapsee ji said Kangana needs a double filter and Tapsee ji you need to
stop being a sasti copy.” But then the filmmaker Anurag Kashyap had come in
defence of her Manmarziyaan actress and had told Rangoli, “Come on Rangoli..
this is going too far.. this is really really desperate.. I really don’t know
what to say to this . Having worked with both your sister and Taapsee .. I just
don’t get this ..praising the trailer means praising all aspect of it. Which
includes Kangana.”
Images Source: swarajkhabar.com, twitter/rangoli_A