Earlier, there were rumors that KJo’s magnum opus is being temporarily stalled and the reason stated was that it could be because Dharma Productions faced a massive setback due to Kalank underperforming at the Indian box-office. But today, Karan Johar took to Instagram and shared glimpses of the prep work that is being done for the film. Check out these videos here:
#KaranJohar unveils #Takht's release date!#RanveerSingh | #VickyKaushal | #AliaBhatt | #BhumiPednekar | #KareenaKapoor | #JanhviKapoor pic.twitter.com/Lb7j5OkDFM
— SpotboyE (@Spotboye) May 29, 2019
So fans should rejoice as Tahkt is not being shelved and its finally on its way. Also if you notice at the start of the video where Karan pans from the poster of Takht, where its mentioned December 2020. So, we know the release month of the film now.
All said and done, Takht is definitely happening and fans can’t wait to watch their favorite stars on-screen in this ambitious period drama.
Image Source: Twitter/Spotboye